Monday, December 12, 2011

Lesson 11 - Fast Facial

The holidays are here. The mere thought brings tension to the face. Relieve that tension and look your best with this simple lesson.


Sit or stand quietly. If you're bustling in the kitchen or waiting in the car to pick up the kids simply create a quiet spot by being still and focusing on yourself. Notice the amount of tension in your face and jaw.


Clench your teeth. Feel the tension in your face and jaw.
Clench again. Holding your jaw tight, breathe. What happens with your breathing? Where do you breathe?
Clench again. With your teeth clenched, push your belly out to inhale. What does your ribcage do? Your shoulders? Your back?
Breathe. Has your breathing changed?


Do you feel a sense of relaxation of your face and jaw? If you have a mirror at hand you might want to take a peak. Do you look more relaxed? (Sometime you might try this as a "before" and "after" looking into a mirror before you try this and then again after. Do you see a difference?)


Once you're comfortable doing this lesson clenching your jaw, you might try scrunching your eyes or pursing your lips. Put them together for a full facial release.