Friday, May 14, 2010

Next 6-week Series @ Health Track

The next six-week Awareness Through Movement® series @ Health Track will begin Wednesday, June 2. This one-hour class series is open to members and non-members alike. For information or to sign up contact:

Cheryl McDermott
Health Track
875 Roosevelt Road
Glen Ellyn, IL
630-942-9600 ext. 508.

Getting this notice after the fact or unable to attend all the sessions? Ask Cheryl to pro-rate your enrollment.

LESSON 6: Finding Your Feet

We all know we have them. They're there on the bottom of our legs just below the ankles. But when we're standing do we actually have a sense of what is going on down there in the nether regions? For a little check in (and a few tips on improving balance and walking more easily) give this little lesson a try.


Stand with your feet about 6 to 8 inches apart (about as far apart as your hip joints). Stand so your feet are parallel. If you feel a bit unsteady, feel free to stand slightly less than arms length behind a chair letting your hands rest lightly on the chair back for support. Be conscious of allowing your hands to rest lightly without gripping. Notice where you take your weight on your feet. Is it more on one foot than the other? More to the front or back of the feet? More to the inside or outside?


1. Very slowly make a small movement of bending your Right knee forward. Do this so the entire sole of your foot remains on the ground. Let the knee bend directly forward without pointing to the left or right. Repeat this several times then pause to rest.

2 Return to bending your Right knee forward increasing the bend until your Right heel begins to lift from the floor. Again let the knee bend directly forward. Repeat several times then pause to rest.

3. If you're so inclined, continue the movement letting the Right knee bend a little bit more with each repetition until your foot lifts from the floor. Can you do this without letting the ankle flex?

4. Repeat 1 - 3 on the Left side.


As you bend your knee, notice what happens to your pelvis? What does it do? Do you notice movement along your spine? Do you feel yourself getting taller or shorter as you bend and straighten you knee?

On Your Feet @ The Yoga Place

The next workshop in the monthly MOVE with EASE series is next Friday, May 21 @ The Yoga Place.

The theme this month is "Finding Your Feet" and our focus is bringing balance to life

Fee: $35 per session, or two punches for The Yoga Place card members.
Registration: download a registration form on-line @
or call The Yoga Place @ 630-534-6463 (If no one answers leave a message and let them know you'd like to sign up.

Credit Cards Accepted

Bring a friend.

For a little taste of what the evening will be about check out the lesson "Finding Your Feet" here on the OptionsForEase blog site.

Hope to see you there!
